Initiation to massage
Initiation for duo and group
Passionate about massage, I am convinced that massage should be accessible to as many people as possible.And to do this, transmission is essential.
I offer tailor-made initiations to discover this ancient ART that is massage, come and learn how to massage to relax muscles, harmonize energies, ortransmit presence and love while preserving you.
Rappel : Tarif spécial (-20%) pour les jeunes (-30 ans), les soignants et aide soignants.

Initiation Duo
Séance 3h15 | 130€ par personne
- Learning the basics of a massage
- Each your turn will be the model who will be massaged and I will accompany you in a 4 hands massage.
You can in turn massage your partner with the right reflexes to take pleasure in massaging without getting tired.

Package 2 massages individuel & Initiation Duo
2 séances de 1h15 + 1 séance de 3h15 | 190€ par personne
( 380€ au lieu de 440€ )
This package is used twice:
Come and enjoyyour individual massage session
Then, from yourDuo Initiation.
When booking by clicking on the button below, please select an individual massage: "Bulle 1h20 ".
Then a second reservation for “Initiation Duo”.
The duo initiation is personalized in connection with the individual massage.

Initiation en groupe | 4 modules au choix
4 participants maximum | Each module lasts 1/2 day (4h00) |90€ per person and per module
1st unit : Come and learn how to position yourself, the basics of the body, the connection with the recipient, and take pleasure in massaging while preserving yourself.
2ᵉ module: Discover the great classics of massages (Californian, Swedish and Ayurvedic).
3ᵉ module : Discover less known massages (Balinese and Hawaiian)
4ᵉ module: Discover the dressed massages (Thai and plantar reflexology, Korean relaxation).
If you want more information leave me a message at: 06 83 66 62 02
Rappel : Tarif spécial (-20%) pour les jeunes (-30 ans), les soignants et aide soignants.